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Pakistan News And Discussion-14
Hotel blast not bomb
The Pakistani spokesman Cheema of the lever theory is quite funny.

This is what he said about the Karachi hotel blast in 2004.
"It was just an accident caused by short-circuiting and nothing else," he said.
"The evidence indicates the blast was caused by short-circuiting. At the moment we rule out the possibility of any act of terrorism."
Brigadier Cheema said there could have been an air vacuum in the hotel.
"If your room is virtually airtight, even if one electricity bulb bursts, it produces a big sound," he said.

"These buildings are under high pressure so hence the bang was created."

[center] <!--emo&:flush--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Flush.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Flush.gif' /><!--endemo--><b><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Water, food crises loom</span></b> <!--emo&:flush--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Flush.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Flush.gif' /><!--endemo-->[/center]

ISLAMABAD : Pakistan’s food security is in extreme danger, as Rabi crops may not get last watering imperative for maturity of crops as the government had forced the Indus River System Authority (Irsa) to release 18,000 cusecs of water from Tarbela Dam for three days for power generation. The move came soon after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, apparently to avoid any further wrath of masses, who were in shock over the tragedy.

[center]<img src='http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_pics/1-4-2008_12071_l.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />[/center]

The provinces want release of 3,000 cusecs of water per day, but the water regulator has placed the maturity of Rabi crops in the red zone by excessive release of water. Irsa released 18,000 cusecs of water for three days and is now releasing 10,000 cusecs.

Irsa released excessive water, about 2 million acre feet (MAF), during the Sept 15 to October 20 period, when the water regulator had no members and water distribution was managed by irrigation secretaries of the four provinces.

The loss of 2 million acre feet of water during this period has also aggravated the situation in the country. The inflow in Tarbela dam has also dwindled in the last two days by over 2,000 cusecs per day from 17,000 cusecs to 15,000 cusecs because of less than normal snowfall in the catchment areas of both Tarbela and Mangla dams, which has further worsened When contacted Irsa chief Bashir Ahmad Dhahr said that right now country has 1.7 million acre feet of stored water, much less than the stored water in last year, but better that that of 2004, 2005. He admitted that Irsa released excessive water during three days on December 28-30, but he was quick to add that Irsa will be able to store 60 feet more water in Tarbela and Mangla to ensure the last watering.

When asked as to why Irsa was releasing 10,000 cusecs of water from Tarbela against the demand of only 3,000 cusecs per day, he said that release of that much water was necessary to make Ghazi Barotha Hydropower project operational.

He recalled that two years back, because of less water release from Tarbela reservoir, the Ghazi Barotha Project had to experience some damages. He said, “We are hopeful that country would receive winter rains as forecast by the Met Office from today (January 4) and this will improve the water situation.” Now we are banking on weather to wriggle the country out of impending water crisis, he said

Bashir Dhahr said that wheat-sowing targets have been met and now the issue is to ensure the last watering for maturity of crops. He said this task would also be met keeping in view the winter rains that hopefully are likely to start from today (Jan 4).

He said that Irsa would continue to release 10,000 cusecs of water from Tarbela and 8,000 cusecs from Mangla despite pressure from Pakistan Electric Power Company (Pepco) that wants 15,000 cusecs of water released from Tarbela.

“However, Irsa would enhance water release up to 30,000 cusecs by January 25 as barrages will be opened and closure of canals would end by that time, and in the meanwhile we will be able to store massive water as the country would start receiving winter rain from today (Jan 4) up to Jan 12,” Dhahr said.

“The country, which is already facing 22 percent water shortage and right now, has all time low stored water in reservoirs that stands at 1.76 million acre feet of water. The said quantum of stored water is not enough for last watering of the Rabi crops in all four provinces,” a senior official told The News.

“We are also 100 percent sure that for early Kharif season, Pakistan will be facing the worst ever water crisis, as Irsa will not be able to mange any water as carryover stock for early Kharif, if the existing scenario is kept in view.”

In case, Pakistan receives the winter rains as forecast by the Met Office from today (January 4 to 12), the situation will improve, otherwise the country has no option, but to face massive water deficit that would endanger food security.

The government, which has miserably failed to enhance power generation capacity during the last 8 years, is now left with no option but to risk even the available food security at the cost of unjustified hydro electricity generation despite the fact that dams are built mainly to cater to irrigational requirements of the county.

“We received orders from government to release up to 18,000 cusecs from Tarbela for three days (Dec 28-30) in a bid to bridge electricity deficit so that politically charged masses following the death of Ms Bhutto may not become more aggressive in case of power outages. Now the Pepco is going for 10 to 12 hour load-shedding, but it could not afford such massive load shedding soon after the tragedy.

The water regulator is still under pressure to release 10,000 cusecs of water daily against the demand of federating units of only 3,000 cusecs, just to make Ghazi Barotha Hydropower project operational. But on the other hand, the country’ stored water is fast depleting and may not have water for last watering of Rabi crops.

The official said that below average rains will not provide the required solace to Irsa as it is experiencing 22 per cent water shortage and has no sufficient carryover stocks. Therefore we will have to depend more on nature and pray for more rains, he said.

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
You are wrong here. Pakistani has long vision and their ultimate goal is become equal to Arabs. This is not a water crisis but they want to covert Pakistan into desert. By doing this they can practice every single ritual and way of life according to Arab tribes as written in holy book. One day they will dig oil also. You never know. Never underestimate Paki. <!--emo&Big Grin--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<b>Attacks, clashes claim 3,448 lives in 2007</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><i>* PIPS report says visible increase in suicide attacks after Lal Masjid operation</i>
The report states that around 1,503 attacks and clashes took place in 2007, leaving 3,448 people dead and 5,353 injured. These casualties figure 128 percent and 491.7 percent higher as compared with 2006 and 2005, respectively. It states that the sharp increase in terrorist attacks proves that the country’s security is rapidly deteriorating. It says the security forces are facing direct threats from the terrorists and looking helpless.

This helplessness was proven during 2007 with the deaths of 232 soldiers, 163 paramilitary troops and 71 policemen in terrorist attacks.

The report states that Pakistan faced 60 suicide attacks (mostly targeted at security forces) during 2007, which killed at least 770, besides injuring another 1,574 people.

This is official score, rest allah knows, how many reached and are in queue for entry.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Iranian FM cancels Naudero visit </b>
* Mottaki telephones Zardari to condole Benazir’s death
ISLAMABAD: Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Friday cancelled his visit to Naudero to condole former premier Benazir Bhutto’s death due to security reasons.

He was scheduled to visit Naudero via road after landing at Sukkur or Mohenjodaro airport,<b> but he had to cancel his visit after he was not given security clearance, sources told Online.</b>

Later, he visited the PPP Central Secretariat here to pay homage to Benazir. Senators Enver Baig and Babar Awan received him at the secretariat, according to staff report. The senators told him that their party would continue to follow Benazir’s vision to improve Pakistan-Iran relations if voted to power.
So she was linked with Shia leader and country. interesting.

<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Jan 5 2008, 05:20 AM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Jan 5 2008, 05:20 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Iranian FM cancels Naudero visit </b>
* Mottaki telephones Zardari to condole Benazir’s death
ISLAMABAD: Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Friday cancelled his visit to Naudero to condole former premier Benazir Bhutto’s death due to security reasons.

He was scheduled to visit Naudero via road after landing at Sukkur or Mohenjodaro airport,<b> but he had to cancel his visit after he was not given security clearance, sources told Online.</b>

Later, he visited the PPP Central Secretariat here to pay homage to Benazir. Senators Enver Baig and Babar Awan received him at the secretariat, according to staff report. The senators told him that their party would continue to follow Benazir’s vision to improve Pakistan-Iran relations if voted to power.
<b>So she was linked with Shia leader and country. interesting.</b>

<b>Mudy Ji :</b>

For Good Order Sake I am repeating my post of Dec 29 2007, 07:52 PM from the previous Page of this Thread :

There is a large number of Shias among the Sindhi Muslims.

In addition Jinnah was a Shia as also a sizable number if Indian Muslim League Leaders who went over to Pakistan.

The following Article throws light on the Shia-Sunni situation - especially the Leadership - in Pakistan :

<b>Pakistan’s Transition from Shia to Sunni Leadership</b>

Pakistan’s founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was an Ismaili by birth and a Twelver Shia by confession, though not a religiously observant man. He had studied at the Inns of Court in London and was better versed in English law than in Shia jurisprudence, was never seen at an Ashoura procession, and favored a wardrobe that often smacked as much of Savile Row as of South Asia. Yet insofar as he was Muslim and a spokesman for Muslim nationalism, it was as a Shia. His coreligionists played an important role in his movement, and over the years many of Pakistan’s leaders were Shias, including one the country’s first governor-generals, three of its first prime ministers, two of its military leaders (Generals Iskandar Mirza and Yahya Khan), and many other of its leading public officials, landowners, industrialists, artists, and intellectuals. Two later prime ministers, the ill-fated Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and his Radcliffe-educated, currently exiled daughter, Benazir Bhutto, were also Shia. Feeling the wind shift in the 1990s, Benazir styled herself a Sunni, but her Iranian mother, her husband from a big Shia landowning family, and her father’s name, the name of Ali’s twin-bladed sword, make her Shia roots quite visible. In a way, Benazir’s self-reinvention as a Sunni tells the tale of how secular nationalism’s once solid-seeming promise has given way like a rotten plank beneath the feet of contemporary Pakistan’s beleaguered Shia minority.

Benazir’s father came from a family of large Shia landowners who could afford to send him for schooling to the University of California at Berkeley and to Oxford. He cut a dashing figure. Ambitious, intelligent, and secular, he was a brilliant speaker, with the ability, it is said, to make a crowd of a million people dance and then cry. His oratory manipulated public emotion as the best of Shia preachers could, and his call for social justice resonated with Shia values. His party’s flag conveniently displayed the colors of Shiism: black, red, and green. Although he never openly flaunted his Shia background, he commanded the loyalty of Pakistan’s Shia multitudes, around a fifth of the population. What he lacked in the area of regular religious observance he made up for with his zeal for Sufi saints and shrines, especially that of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, the widely popular Sufi saint of Shia extraction whose tomb is a major shrine in southern Pakistan.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s years in power (1971–77) marked the pinnacle of Shia power in Pakistan and the high point of the promise of an inclusive Muslim nationalism. But the country that Jinnah built and Bhutto ruled had over time become increasingly Sunni in its self-perception. The Sunni identity that was sweeping Pakistan was not of the irenic Sufi kind, moreover, but of a strident and intolerant brand. Bhutto’s Shia-supported mix of secularism and populism—sullied by corruption and his ruthless authoritarianism—fell to a military coup led by pious Sunni generals under the influence of hard-eyed Sunni fundamentalists. In April 1979, the state hanged Bhutto on questionable murder charges. A Sunni general, Muhammad Zia ul-Haq, strongly backed by Sunni fundamentalist parties, personally ordered that the death sentence be carried out, even after Pakistan’s highest court recommended commutation to life imprisonment.

The coup of 1977 ended the Pakistani experiment with inclusive Muslim nationalism. Shia politicians, generals, and business leaders remained on the scene, but a steadily “Islamizing” (read “Sunnifying”) Pakistan came to look more and more like the Arab world, with Sunnis on top and Shias gradually pushed out. Pakistan in many regards captures the essence of the political challenge that the Shia have faced. The promise of the modern state has eluded them as secular nationalism has been colonized from within by Sunni hegemony.

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
My concern is only Shia FM is interested to visit BB's grave, others stayed away including Aiyars and candle kissers. So relationship with Iran was "meaningful", there may be some Geo-political twist in this murder. Now, I am very much sure it is Sunni Paki Army handiwork.
BB's mother was an Iranian Shia.

Another reason could be that the Iranian FM is interested in visiting the grave of his half citizen who helped the Iranian nuke program through the A.Q.Khan's nuclear proliferation black market.
BB was the one who started the 'nukes for missiles' barter deal with international pariah state North Korea when she visited it and brought back NKorean missiles in exchange for uranium enrichment plans.
And then the Khan black market was used for clandestinely supplying Iran, Libya and other countries with nuclear material all in violation of international law.
When she came back, it is possible she had deal with Iran, Paki(Mushy), Nawaz and US, and one party felt cheated. BB had plans to re-invent/neuter Paki Army, Paki Army was nervous but it is also possible others entities may be thinking they are duped by her.
First I was thinking that Sunni Paki Army may not stand woman and Shia PM., but not allowing FM to visit her grave points to Geo-political equation and using Paki Army to do job.
Iran means, Oil, Nuke, Baloch, US, Mullah, Shia, Russia, Corridor or crescent of Shia power.
<!--QuoteBegin-Mudy+Jan 5 2008, 10:09 PM-->QUOTE(Mudy @ Jan 5 2008, 10:09 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Nareshji,
My concern is only Shia FM is interested to visit BB's grave, others stayed away including Aiyars and candle kissers.  So relationship with Iran was "meaningful", there may be some Geo-political twist in this murder. Now, I am very much sure it is Sunni Paki Army handiwork.

Those of the Aiyars Ilk and candle kissers brigade - I believe- begged for a Visa to pay their respect but Mush the Tush, thank God, kicked them in the teeth denying them a chance to “Kiss the Rear - though Dead” perpetrators of Cross Border Terrorism in India.

C’est La Vie!

Regarding Benazir's "Slaughter" : It was by a High Powered Sniper from a Vantage Point.

The Guy whose Head was severed - the Shooter - was only drawing the attention away from the Sniper.

The Shooter was wearing Dark Glasses and with the time being between 5:00 PM and 5:10 PM on a Winter Evening such Dark Glasses would on impair his "Aim". As scuh he was there to distract the Attention from the Sniper.

Thus Benazir has been Slaughtered by Mush +Pak Army + ISI + Al Qaeda and Taliban along with the other members of Pakistan's Satanic Leadership of Islamic Terrorists!

Cheers <!--emo&:beer--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cheers.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cheers.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin-Ravish+Dec 9 2007, 05:15 PM-->QUOTE(Ravish @ Dec 9 2007, 05:15 PM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->Shri Alak Niranjan Ji,
                                    Perhaps you have been unable to comprehend the thinking in the minds of the bloggers with whom you have been interacting.The following are the wishful thinking of most of them:-

1. How to get rid of Muslims from this world.
2. How to remove Pakistan from the map of the world.
3. How to remove traces of Urdu language from the conscious and sub conscious state of mind of the human race.
4. Hindu gagaran at the earliest, first in India and than in the entire universe.
5. Establishment of Hindu Talabani form of society etc.All meat eaters to be termed as trators.

I just gave you the highlight of the wish list. If you have ample time to devote in day dreaming, this is the best company that one can have for relaxing .

Jai Hind

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